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Jubaer Ahmad Portfolio

Professional WEb Developer

I help developer, small agencies and businesses bring their ideas to life.Websites don't have to be static, I love making pages come to life.My layouts will work on any device, big or small. I turn your requirements into website - on time and on budget.

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Big Dream

To make Bangladesh digital

I would like to improve Bangladesh by digitalisation. As an expert web developer I want to turn every activities of Bangladesh into Website, So that anyone can get services from home. This process save our time and money. Pls pray for me for establishing website based works

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Full Stack Web Developer

2019-Present | Pro Lavel Developer

I help developer, small agencies and businesses bring their ideas to life.Websites don't have to be static, I love making pages come to life.My layouts will work on any device, big or small. I turn your requirements into website - on time and on budget.

Baby Web Developer

2017-2018 | Programming Hero

I would like to improve Bangladesh by digitalisation. As an expert web developer I want to turn every activities of Bangladesh into Website, So that anyone can get services from home. This process save our time and money. Pls pray for me for establishing website based works